Todd Howard

Todd Howard

Fourteen years ago last month, my family was homeless and I was in jail. As do many inmates, I prayed. I told God that when and if I got out I would take my family to church and change. One week later, the Justice Department mistakenly released me. The next day was Saturday, and a knock came to the home were we were living with some friends.It was the bus captain from Bus 7. I knew it was GOD answering my prayer from that jail cell.They asked if the kids could go, and I said only if we can come. We came that Sunday, and soon after we were saved and joined this great church. The bus ministry does work, Praise the LORD. And all 5 of my children and my wife and I are saved and on are way to HEAVEN. Now we have the privilege to serve God in the bus ministry and patch clubs.

I’m Todd Howard, and we’re a bus family.


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